Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bonjour and Happy Halloween from my spot at Le Café des Chats!

Finally, after weeks of waiting and back-and-forth correspondence to get a reservation, here I am surrounded by a band of sleeping kitties of various colors and personalities. (Yes, just like your typical housecats, they sleep most of the time!) Gently, I pet the white one on the head. I laugh as the black kitten attacks my handbag and prances confidently across the couch where I'm sitting. And I smile as the one in the window gives me that haughty "do not bother me!" look.

I'll be honest and say that this isn't the best food/drink place in Paris by far. But, for me, the reason for my trip to this café didn't have much to do with tea, coffee or cakes. It was the cats of course and this indeed is cat-lover paradise…

But everyone wants a piece of paradise and it isn't easy to attain: The café itself is pretty small, with space for about a dozen people on the ground floor and maybe double that downstairs in the beautiful stone basement. The sign on the door says visitors must reserve a week in advance (I also know that from personal experience), and even with a reservation, I had to wait about 15 minutes for a table.

But a solution may be on the horizon. I overhear someone say the owners are looking for a second location in order to deal with demand for an afternoon with the kitties. In the meantime, this just might be the most popular café in Paris!  

(P.S.: My "New York Snapshot" series to be continued next week…)

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